
Flourish - About Page

Greetings and thanks for visiting. My current site is devoted to exhibiting a small assortment of my photographs. This collection will evolve over time as I dig through my archives. Previously I was able to display thousands of images using SmugMug. While SmugMug's pricing is very reasonable, I could not justify the expense. So after several years of hosting a static site on Google, I decided to move to AWS.

Over the years, I have enjoyed several hobbies, including woodworking, pottery, music, auto mechanics, electronics, and photography. Working for the local Tel. Co. kept the lights on and provided many challenging opportunities. Amid my Tel. Co. career, the US Military came calling. Luckily, I was able to join the Navy. Before long, I was sailing around the Meditrainan on the USS Mitscher, taking photos of anything that moved and some things that did not move. 

I purchased my first camera while in the Navy on deployment to the Meditraian. It was a 35mm Asahi Pentax Spotmatic SLR with a 1:1.8/55mm Takumar lens. My first liberty ports after receiving the camera were Naples, Italy, and Athens, Greece. My in-depth training consisted of the 25-page user manual included with the camera. 

So with a shiny new camera and a pocket full of film, I attacked the local sights. Naples was first, followed by Athens. There was no shortage of exciting places to photograph. I learned early that film cost would be an issue, but the ship store clerk recommended slide film, which was cheaper to buy and less expensive to develop. Compared with shooting digital and near endless capacity, four roles of 36 exposure only resulted in 144 shots. This turned out to be an advantage. It forced me to give more consideration to each shot. While my new camera was ready, willing, and able to take great photos, I still had lots to learn about photography.

Over the years, I purchased additional lenses, but the Spotmatic remained my only film camera until I finally switched to digital. My Spotmatic, purchased in the early 70s, lasted more than 20 years with no maintenance beyond a simple cleaning from time to time.

I hope to add more soon. Thanks again for visiting.

I do not receive compensation from business/services/products mentioned on this site.